Monday, September 23, 2013

A Personal Review on 'Evernote'

Evernote website:

1.            Problem Statement

List down 3 problems (write them in proper problem statements) with explanation of their root cause and their solution.

Problem Statements
Root Cause & Explanation
Solution (by the product)
1. Employees, students, and businessmen have a hard time successfully executing plans and projects within a certain time allotment.
1. Poor compilation of documents
1. An online storage for its users to easily save files and retrieve them anywhere and anytime, provided with an internet connection.
2.  Bringing numerous researches, journals, papers, and other sorts of documents all at once can be very stressful for anyone who uses such.
2. Print outs tend to be large and heavy when carried anywhere and takes up too much space.
2. Taking advantage of the digital age, documents can be stored into devices, such as laptops, cellphones, and tablets, which are very compact and easy to carry.
3. Many tend to forget schedules, tasks, lists, and the like.
3. One of the very basic reasons to such cases is because they often forget to bring their notes, schedules, lists, and such with them.
3. For the users to automatically carry all reminders with them through cloud storage. Devices linked together through the application, automatically synchronize anything that is uploaded by any one of the devices.


2.            Objectives

List down 2 objectives targeting the 3 problem statements above.
1. To help users be more organized with their files when they use Evernote which can also help them be more productive.
2. To provide Evernote users the ease of having their files with them through the use of synchronized cloud storage.

3.            Goals

List 2 goals for each objective above. Take note of techniques in writing IS goals.

1.   A. Provide an organized dashboard of office related files (doc, ppt, xcl, pdf), notes, images, and audio files, that is user friendly, easy to understand and adapt.
1.   B. Having the customers to use Evernote as their primary mode of organizing and scheduling their personal and professional life.

2.     A. Providing Evernote users an automatic synchronization of their files, as soon as they are uploaded, to avoid the hassle of manual input on each available device of the user.
2.     B. Help Evernote users have their soft copy files anywhere and anytime and help the users have their own “digital planer” through the use of their mobile devices.

4.            Benefits

List down 2 tangible benefits and 2 intangible benefits for each goal above.

Tangible Benefits:
1. Efficient way of documenting
2. Increases speed in organizing files

Intangible Benefits:
1. Improved organized planning
2. Ease in work process

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